Monday, November 4, 2019

day no. 14,987: rocco is 4 today!!!

Rocco Henry Warfield Van Voorst, you are officially four years old today!!!

You are an amazing son and I'm very proud of you. I love seeing you and interacting with you. You love cuddling and sitting on my lap when we watch television. You, like your brother Finneas, have taken to the habit of walking around the house in your undies. You always choose Raisin Bran for cereal night. You sometimes like your hair done "like Atticus" which means parted with a swoop in front and sometimes you want it done like "a fauxhawk" combed to the middle. You love playing with your big brothers and fancy yourself a big kid, but also enjoy playing with Laurelai where the odds are more evenly matched. You often fall asleep in the van if the car ride gets long enough and you love sneaking sips of milk from your cup in the fridge in between meals. You can be trusted to play outside as long as another big kid is around. You are a good little brother and a great little son. I love everything about you little man and pray for you every morning on my walk to work.

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