Monday, August 12, 2019

day no. 14,903: the world we made and the world I want to bulid

There is an amazing paradox between needing to lead and wanting to be loved. If you want to be loved, you will need to lead, not try to get others to like or love you.

I finished up listening to this podcast last night while running on the treadmill (Thursday, June 27th). The closing remarks on this one are absolute gold. Combined with the backdrop and score playing in the background, this is powerfully presented and has left an impact on me.

"We love our wives, we love our children, we want their approval, we want them to love us when they grow up, we want to be their friends, but if you spend your life trying to get your children or your wife's approval, you will never do your job properly... never, never! and it's not because they're evil, it's because leadership is lonely." - Tim Bayly

"Just like Calvin says about pastors, 'God could have sent angels to preach to us,' God could have sent angels to be dads. But He chose to use sinful men as fathers because it humbles us to have to be under the headship of a sinner like us." - Tim Bayly

"So number 1: it's going to be over soon, you better get yourself to work and number 2: you better work for God and then number 3: you better not live for the approval of your children and your wife because it will destroy your teaching, your discipline and... they will never give you their approval if you want it."- Tim Bayly

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