Saturday, July 20, 2019

day no. 14,880: would you like to see your current balance?

Mark 12:41
And He sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box.

Can you imagine just hanging out with Jesus by the offering box watching what people are putting in?

It may shock some to realize that Jesus sometimes just hangs out watching the offering box. It seems rather rude. Giving is personal and how much I give is carefully folded up and placed into the slot so that no one else can see. It is rude to stand by and peer at those giving to God. Isn't it? It would be for you or me, since our neighbor's beeswax is not a business we should be about. But for God, it is different. 

God watches what you give, how much, when you give you it, why you give it, and what you give it to. He is watching your wallet. He knows your real budget. You may have a piece of paper or a spreadsheet that says where you'd like your money to go, but God knows where it is actually going. He watches it enter into your pocket and is there observing when you take it back out to spend.

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