Sunday, December 15, 2024

day no. 16,855: Ophelia is THREE!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Ophelia!!!

You are three years old today. You are growing up so quickly. In some ways, it seems like it was just yesterday that you were born into COVID times. In other ways, it seems like a lifetime ago since so much has changed since then, much of it, very recently, changed for the better.

And just like the times, they be a changing, so are you.

You are learning to talk and put sentences together. You are getting taller and you are getting a bit sassafrassier as well. Nothing unusual for a three-nager, but you're really leaning into it. You may have tiny pants, but they are also a bit bossy. 

I am excited to watch your level of commitment grow up and be directed at more noble causes than getting your milk from the fridge. If you are half as committed to Christ as you are to sitting on my lap during watch time downstairs, you will be a handful for the bad guys.

Here are a list of things I like and love about you:

You like your ice. I don't know how or why exactly you got hooked on putting your chew toys in the freezer, but you did and now you always do. It's very Oey and I love it.

You like asking about and being reassured that we're having pizza and ice cream on Friday nights. It is the last thing you ask about before each nap and nighttime.

You love playing after church and are really independent in sitting where you want and playing with whomever. You aren't scared. You, as you remind us often, are Oey.

You love our little black boots and have taken to wearing them everywhere and all the time lately. Although you often have them on the wrong feet. Maybe it feels better on our pigeon toes. I don't know.

You like Elmo. He taught you to pee in the potty after all. Speaking of which, you are pretty good about going to the bathroom in your teeny-weeny pee pot most days. You stay dry over nap more often than not, but you don't stay dry overnight yet.  

You like sausage. So much so, that most meat is sausage to you. You like bacon as well. You major in breakfast meats. 

You love the twins and often ask to hold them. You are a good big sister. 

You hold your own with the bigger girls. You are no shrinking violet. You know what you want and expect to get it. That often requires discipline, but assertiveness is not something you need to learn.

You are a sweet little lady and I like being your dad.

I love you Oey-biscuits.

Love, Dad

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