Wednesday, February 14, 2024

day no. 16,550: abortion is youthanasia

Exodus 21:22-23
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life

Abortion is mischief. 

Its aim is to murder a child - not to save the physical life of the mother, nor to improve the quality of her life, nor to save her her mental anguish. Abortion cannot guarantee any of things, nor does it try to provide them. It merely aims to end the life of the child inside her. A successful abortion is determined by the present death of the child, not the future livelihood of the mother.

Abortion is not healthcare, it is hiring a hitman; it is youthanasia.

Abortion sometimes kills even the mother, but that’s merely a side effect of doing business. When you aim to kill kids, sometimes adults get in the way and are added to the body counts.

Abortion does not get vengeance on incestuous sinners or rapacious rogues in the rare circumstances where they are the perpetrator of the pregnancy. When this is the sad case, you do not alleviate the wrong of the father by executing the innocence of the child. The criminal gets clemency and the child is sentenced to death.

Abortion does not heal the mental trauma of the mother by making her an accomplice to her rapist in the murder of their child. It does not spare her the emotional anguish of someone else's sin against her by adding the emotional baggage of her own guilt and shame into the mix.

In the event of rape or incest, abortion assigns the task of burying the body to the woman. You cannot assuage your sorrow by hiding the body. You do not purge the pain by participating in the plot.

And for all the other instances, you cannot murder someone in order to make up for making out with someone else. You do not correct an error by making a larger one in a different direction. In short, someone shouldn't have to die simply because you've changed your mind.

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