Friday, July 1, 2022

day no. 15,957: alphabetical areas of interest July 2022

"There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people."
- G.K. Chesterton

Interested people are interesting people.
Be interested... stay interesting.

All of Christ for all of life for Olive St. (our new home's motto)
Anthem Church (no longer attending, met with Toby and Keaton to communicate)
Ascensional (revised and completed another annual reading)
Assurance of Pardon (possibly my favorite part of service every week)
Attic (excited by prospect of this space in new house)
Babylon Bee (kids like watching their YouTube videos)
Baptism (excited to join CCL and have remaining kids baptized)
Basement (hoping it is usable in new home: family room/play area/storage)
Beer & Books (excited to jump in on this with LVKS guys first Fridays once settled in)
Boonville (had the fun of visiting again recently and reliving summer of 2020)
Breakfast Burritos (added Parry Gripp's breakfast burrito, burrito van, backpack full of burritos)
Buckinghams (closed in CoMo, moving away, but still bummed)
Buying a home (trying to keep track of all the "moving pieces", HA! pun intended)
CC's (would like to go there one last time before moving)
Chickens (first time having live animals in our backyard)
Christ Church Leavenworth (excited to join)
Communion (excited for all kids once baptized to participate)
Confession (have really enjoyed and looked forward to weekly cadence)
Couchechism (need to revisit regular implementation)
Dahl, Roald (recently read through most of his catalog, really enjoyed autobiography)
Dinner ditties/bell (having fun growing this tradition and adding more songs)
Doug Responds (kids enjoying Doug interacting with online content)
Doug TenNapel (getting back into reading with kids)
DV (will strangely miss chicken that turned out to be rooster, poor guy)
Eggs (excited for chickens to begin producing)
Eyebrows (developed odd habit/tick of pulling eyebrow hair: needs to stop!)
Eyes (everyone sans Rocco, Lissy, and Ophelia now have glasses)
Failure (feeling the weight of this lately: as a man, husband, son, father, etc...)
Family movie night (maybe move to Saturday night to help Monday am out?)
Father (excited to follow men I want to be like in Leavenworth)
Fatherlessness (read Psalm 27:10 recently and was struck by the sentiment)
Father Brown (enjoying listening to some of these Chesterton stories)
Fifteen Years (wedding anniversary coming up in August!)
Fight Laugh Feast Conference (waiting to see details about Fall Conference)
G.I. Joe (began watching carton with kids)
G.I. Joe's (boys purchased some action figures off Ebay recently)
Going Solo (Dahl bio I recommended to Atticus, he read and loved it)
Handpies (love pecan ones from Amish on Saturdays)
Headaches (been free of any serious ones for a couple months now!)
House selling (glad it went quickly, but it always expensive)
House hunting (hard trying to imagine a new home... again)
Inheritance (want to live long enough to secure inheritance for my children's children)
Intermittent Fasting (3 1/2 yrs in and still my diet plan sans Sunday - Christian Warrior Diet!)
Internet (excited for faster speeds for similar prices)
It's Good To Be A Man (reading with Josh M.)
Jared Longshore (enjoying his YouTube video blogs, excited to see at FLF and CCL in Oct)
Kansas (will be the 3rd state I've lived in - SD as a kid would be 4th, but never home address)
Kansas City (nearness will be nice for things like IKEA, but not so nice for things like KC)
Latin and Logic (have big kids study on their own this upcoming year?)
Leavenworth (new hometown)
Little House on the Prairie (recently reread each of these childhood classics)
LOTR (re-reading, got owned by Lydia Spratt: need to get in better Tolkien shape)
Membership (excited to be a member of a church I am excited about: it's been a while)
Milk (wondering what we'll do without access to the Amish)
Money (moving is expensive, praying for provision)
Monkey pox (not a thing: monkeyshine! somehow less of a thing than Fauxvid)
Morning and Evening (rereading Spurgeon's excellent devo)
Morning walks (need to get back into that habit)
Move (i'm always baffled by the amount of stuff to move from one place to another)
Narnia (fun to be back in that world for Story Club)
Ophelia Belle (is over 1/2 a year old now!!! no settled nickname yet)
Open (good to have permanent remote and field trip info all out in the open w/ Shelter)
Paedobaptism (theology comes out your fingertips.... and faucets)
Pet (someday? someday soon? can't believe I'm even considering it)
Postmillitant (over 1,100 followers on IG, posting 4x per day prior to pushing pause)
Postmillitant (on pause: considering if, when, and how to go fwd... or not)
Presbyterianism (full send: I am Presbyterian)
Proverb of the Day (still drawing pictures for Atticus to copy each night)
Psalms (have learned several this year and am excited to learn more!)
Psalm Sings (looking fwd to these in LVKS on the second Friday each month)
Puberty (oldest two kids turning from big kids to young adults)
Queer (how did odd become advertised as "normal"?)
Quirky (homeschool kids are weird? really, have ya seen public school kids lately?)
Redeemer Presbyterian (grateful for the good fit in between Anthem and CCL)
Remodeling (considering older house in need of some TLC)
Remote work (still loving it. a huge blessing that came out of panicdemic)
Rally (excited for Knoxville in October after FLF x2 and Grace Agenda last year)
Roe v. Wade (overturned during pride month, God is kind and funny like that)
Sabbath (continuing to refine and add to Lord's Day celebration)
Saturday Dadurday (continuing breakfast burritos/coffee and Cash in the am)
Saturday night (maybe move big feast to Sat pm?)
Shutting up (been working on saying less and listening more)
Skillet cds (checked out from library and kids LOVE them!!!)
Skillet (see in concert at Hills Alive or State Fair?)
State Fair (go to Iowa to see this year?)
St, Georges's Day (was fun adding this for first time to calendar)
St. Giles (excited to see CCL get this off the ground this Fall)
Stop motion (Atticus and Finneas have filled the laptop with projects)
Sword and Song (Postmill daily devo I'm slowly chipping away at making)
Teenagers (praying for growing skill to match growing kids)
Temper (been having greater struggle in keeping cool)
Tension (trying to juggle too much produces more anxiety than it's worth)
Think on These Things (reading this devo with Atticus)
Transit (would love to get medium ceiling 15 pass Transit at some point)
Under authority (excited to be under authority of good, godly men at CCL)
Vacation (would like to take one, but don't know when or how to afford)
Vacation Time (need to use some by September, but don't know when or for what)
Van (still chugging along, but still drives funny, still keeping eye out for a Transit)
Waiting (after a long time coming, we're moving, wonder what we'll wait for next?)
Weight (gained some lbs. with Paige being pregnant)
Work (Shelter approved permanent remote work and move)
WSC songs (really enjoying Brian Sauve's WSC 1-10 set to music)
Xpenses (may be entering season of more closely watched spending)
Yeoman (a man holding and cultivating a small landed estate; a freeholder #lifegoals)
Zzzz's (been sleeping til 7:45, but still often tired it seems)

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