Monday, January 24, 2022

day no. 15,799: someone's been reading our mail

“How far does it go? Would you still obey the Life-Force if you found it prompting you to murder me?”


“Or to sell England to the Germans?”


“Or to print lies as serious research in a scientific periodical?”


“God help you!” said Ransom.

“You are still wedded to your conventionalities,” said Weston. “Still dealing in abstractions. Can you not even conceive a total commitment — a commitment to something which utterly overrides all our petty ethical pigeon-holes?” -- C.S. Lewis, Perelandra

C.S. Lewis had the gift of reading other eras mail. He was able to put his finger on the thing in such a way as to identify it in principle so that when it was employed in another time under another name in another form, it would be immediately evident. What he here calls Life-Force, is today the animating force behind various movements including, but not limited to: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Feminism, LGBTQ+, Climate Control, Build Back Better, The Great Reset, etc...

These all view integrity, honesty and courage as mere conventionalities. They advocate that if you're not cheating, you're not trying. They insist on winning at all costs. Whatever they must forfeit or lose in the process in order to possess it is irrelevant. It is the religion of progress. It is the unshakable belief that human invention is always for the better. They would murder in cold blood in order to protect the way of life they propose. They have and they will continue to do so. 63 million murdered children's blood testifies from the ground against them. They would count their country as nothing by selling it for top dollar. They have and they will continue to do so. They would lie in order to be seen as champions of the truth. They have and continue to do so.

The principalities and powers of this world don't fight fair because fairness is their enemy. Justice is not their aim. Their goal is the ability to bully for their vantage point. They are tired of being pushed around, but it is not the pushing around per se that they object to, but the direct object. They desire to be the pushers. They imagine themselves bullied while envying the bully. And if given the chance, they will reveal themselves as the manifestation of that which they previously decried. They bemoaned the bullies, but they merely envied their brawn. This is immediately evident the moment they receive any kind of sway. Do they handle it judiciously? Do they preserve peace and diversity when their beliefs are dominant? No, no, and no.

As Weston points out, they are committed and they will do great damage. But the Good News of God, is that they cannot prevail. Insanity never works. Anything that can't go on forever... won't. May God hasten the day the insanity comes to an end in the light of His glorious, indomitable revelation at the return of His Son. Amen.

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