Saturday, December 18, 2021

day no. 15,762: celsius 37

In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, a conservative world order, afraid of socialistic ideas, outlaws books written containing these values and employs firemen, whose occupation is to set these books ablaze. This is the common trope: conservatism looks to squash the voices of communism by abandoning its first principles and unilaterally applying its regulations. 

What has happened, what always happens, in actuality, is quite the opposite. Conservatism despises liberalism, but allows it to exist. It defends its right to exist by sending its strongest young men to fight wars in order to protect their right to exist. In a world where conservatism is King, liberalism is permitted to dwell in the kingdom. 

Yet burning books and violations of free speech are still characterized as a conservative effort to sniff out liberalism. But these tropes, mind you, are always written in books by liberal authors, printed by liberal publishing houses, and sold in liberal bookstores. If the burden of being liberal is bearing up under such oppression, it is not hard to imagine where the charge of "snowflake" originates. I mean, who could operate under such conditions? 

The reality is that principled conservatism has always reserved room for liberals, they wrote it into their founding documents. When given the chance to begin from scratch, they felt compelled to include their right to exist in essence and in print. 

But liberalism does not return the favor. When liberalism is crowned, conservatism is outlawed. That is because liberalism is not rooted or anchored in principles of free speech, tolerance, the equity of all peoples under the law, etc.. and they demonstrate this by policing social media and determining which sources are permitted to speak on which subjects. They systematically shut down and shame all alternate sources or vantage points. They refuse to tolerate any back talk.

We live in a world where England uses the metric system. English measurements are no longer used in England. There are no inches in London, only centimeters and that, in essence, is the work of socialism in a microcosm: a people finagled out of their own history by the pressure of the spirit of the age.

When the burning and banning of books comes, it will not be lit by the matches of conservative distaste and distemper, but rather at the point of the socialistic spear. When books and blogs are taken down and destroyed, it will be done by red-handed blue-heartedness. Under the first principles, all peoples thrived. Under the governance of socialistic syncretism, the first principles will be shouted down at gun point and their writings burned to bits in the name of "diversity training."

So according to the liberal fiction, it may take 451 degrees Fahrenheit to properly burn their books, but in actuality it only requires 37 degrees of Celsius.

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