Wednesday, October 21, 2020

day no. 15,339: sin cannot ride sidecar

"Sin is lawlessness, and because grace is not sinful, grace is not lawlessness. Grace conquers sin, and not by putting up with it. Grace overcomes, and grace restores. Grace loves, grace rejoices, and grace loves to die and rise." -- Douglas Wilson, Bone of My Bones

Grace conquers sin. The land of sin is the object of grace's conquest. Grace does not merely move in next to its new neighbors. It dispossesses its inhabitants. It doesn't offer to take the top bunk. It evicts sin. Grace does not rent a bicycle built for two or let sin ride in the sidecar. It doesn't settle for one pedal while letting sin push the other. It doesn't offer to ride in the little basket up front. It rides the bike or it doesn't come along for the ride. 

Some may object saying, "that doesn't sound all that graceful. That sounds mean-spirited and rude" But that brand of grace is counterfeit. It doesn't spend in heaven. It's impotent and flaccid. It produces "peace" with sin by letting sin win. It comes to terms with sin only by agreeing not to call it "sin" anymore. But that isn't grace... that's just another sin. 

Calling dark "light" and light "dark" doesn't make peace between night and day, the one still displaces the other. Grace that attempts to end the war of enmity between good and evil by erasing their distinctions loses the war without fighting, it surrenders and says, "no more war! ta-da." But that isn't grace. That's disgrace.

Where grace lives, sin dies; and grace resurrects those who die to sin.

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