Thursday, September 19, 2019

day no. 14,941: ChristiANDity

Many evangelicals today practice ChristiANDity. They know enough to know that they need Christ, but they also believe He is insufficient or inadequate to address certain issues, thoughts, practices, etc...

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Either Scripture is sufficient or it isn't. At some point, we have to decide. If it is, then we need to think more Biblically, be more acquainted with the content and context of the Bible and more interactive with the principles it provides and applying them to our practices and predicaments in everyday life.

To say that Scripture is sufficient is not to say that you cannot consult or consider any other source of information, but rather it informs which filters which. With what authority does the buck stop? Which worldview will prevail? The one the Bible provides or one of its competitors. 

"The Bible is thought of as authoritative on everything of which it speaks. Moreover, it speaks of everything. We do not mean that it speaks of football games, of atoms, etc., directly, but we do mean that it speaks of everything either directly or by implication." – Cornelius Van Til, Christian Apologetics

The Bible, in principle, speaks to everything. The more Biblically you begin to think -- that is to say, the more your thinking and assessment of situations is guided by underlying principles proclaimed and applied in the Scriptures -- the more you have a handle on life, breath and everything else that happens here on a Tuesday afternoon.

"In the Bible, we have a perfect library." -- Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students: To Workers with Slender Apparatus

Hebrews 5:14
Solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

It will not be easy, but it is possible. It will require constant practice. No let up, not give up. But if you keep up with it, you will find your powers of discernment growing like muscles that have been worked over. They will be stronger and able to lift today what they could not yesterday. They will be able to cut through crap they could not yesterday. They will be trained, sharpened, heightened... and they will be able to distinguish between good and evil. The clouded mind cannot tell the difference between bad and worse. The mind trained Biblically can distinguish good from evil and better from best.

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