“Straw men are frequently not imaginary men, but rather are the least capable men in any movement.” — Douglas Wilson, In Defense of Worldview Thinking
A straw man may be easy to defeat, but he is difficulty to avoid. We seem to run into them anytime an argument erupts especially online. He may not be the best representative of a particular idea, but rest assured, he will be one of the first ones you meet if you speak against his cause.
Some take these straw man captives and carry them around in case they need a boost of morale at a later date. It is easier to keep a cadre of cucks around than it is to face real, solid men. But beating up straw men is not the mark of a man. A man must recognize them and defeat them, but he must not copy their tactics by fighting dire with dire and he must not assume he's arrived because he's dismissed the easiest arguments the enemy has.
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