Tuesday, February 25, 2025

day no. 16,927: the old treasuries of Christendom

“The fact is this: that the modern world, with its modern movements, is living on its Catholic capital. It is using, and using up, the truths that remain to it out of the old treasury of Christendom; including, of course, many truths known to pagan antiquity but crystallized in Christendom.” — G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

The West is living off the wealth of Christendom like the prodigal son lived off of his father's fortunes. He hired his prostitutes with his inheritance just like we do ours. But Christendom does not condone the present concupiscence anymore than the prodigal's father approved of his son's sins. That said, like the father, Christendom waits for it descendants to return. The fault is not in the bank, but in the purchases. Like the prodigal, the West is running out of capital and Christendom watches them waste their grace as it waits for them to hit rock bottom. It cannot spend forever. Eventually inheritances are exhausted. 

The treasuries of Christendom are being squandered by Satan's spendthrifts, but that bank won't always be there. The devil does not have a dowry. He can only blow through what the Spirit blew through. By the grace of God, His treasuries never end and His riches never rust or run out. Even now, we could turn by to Him and be overwhelmed with new mercies and unending wealth.

Ephesians 3:8
Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.

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