Sunday, September 29, 2024

day no. 16,778: an occult government

"This theory of the secrecy of political money must also be regretfully abandoned; and with it the two other possible excuses as well. This secrecy is one which cannot be justified as a sensational joke nor as a common human freemasonry, nor as an indescribable personal whim. Strangely enough, indeed, it violates all three conditions and classes at once. It is not hidden in order to be revealed: it is hidden in order to be hidden. It is not kept secret because it is a common secret of mankind, but because mankind must not get hold of it. And it is not kept secret because it is too unimportant to be told, but because it is much too important to bear telling. In short, the thing we have is the real and perhaps rare political phenomenon of an occult government. We have an exoteric and an esoteric doctrine. England is really ruled by priestcraft, but not by priests. We have in this country all that has ever been alleged against the evil side of religion; the peculiar class with privileges, the sacred words that are unpronounceable; the important things known only to the few. In fact we lack nothing except the religion."  — G.K. Chesterton, All Things Considered

The federal government is a certifiable cult complete with compulsory tithes and catechisms. Sunday school is mandatory Monday through Friday and offerings are exacted from the congregants. We are no longer citizens of a country, but catechumens of the corporate cult. Our priests and priestesses operate behind the curtain and speak a language we haven't been taught. There is righteousness and wickedness and forced attrition, but there is no forgiveness. There are apocalyptic prophesies and calls to repentance, but no promise of reconciliation. There is blood and there is sacrifice and books on books on books of doctrines. There are robes and preachers and songs. There is a church calendar, holy days and month long feasts celebrating certain doctrines. There are ceremonial washings and those who cannot be considered clean.

“In truth, there are only two kinds of people; those who accept dogma and know it, and those who accept dogma and don't know it.” — G.K. Chesterton

Catechism and creeds are inescapable. The State will either recite the creeds of the Church or they will create their own. Since the State is apostate, it must discount and disparage its previously held creeds. Since the State is now secular, it must write its own holy book complete with origin story and eschatology, It must distance itself from its previous foundation, but it cannot be foundationless. So, the State does all of this in the name of separating itself from religion while instituting a new creed. The separation of church and State is, in fact, the new cardinal doctrine. It's first application of said core belief, however, is it to become a religion unto itself.

'Once abolish the God and the government becomes the God." — G.K. Chesterton

Where the State does not accept the moral authority of the Church, the State will assume the moral authority of a church. When the civil magistrate rejects ecclesiastical authority, it creates a civil magisterium. Where the church is denied its jurisdiction, the State dictates.

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