Tuesday, September 24, 2024

day no. 16,773: home despot: you can do it, we can help!

"The average woman, as I have said, is a despot; the average man is a serf. I am for any scheme that any one can suggest that will make the average woman more of a despot. So far from wishing her to get her cooked meals from outside, I should like her to cook more wildly and at her own will than she does. So far from getting always the same meals from the same place, let her invent, if she likes, a new dish every day of her life. Let woman be more of a maker, not less. We are right to talk about "Woman;" only blackguards talk about women. Yet all men talk about men, and that is the whole difference. Men represent the deliberative and democratic element in life. Woman represents the despotic."  G.K. Chesterton, All Things Considered

Women were made to be despots. Chesterton is correct. And he's not alone.

1 Timothy 5:14
So I would have younger widows marry, bear children, rule their households, and give the enemy no occasion to revile us.

The word translated here as "rule their households," is oikodespoteó which is comprised of the two words oikos = home + despoteo = despot.  In other words, Paul wanted young woman to be domestic terrorists. It is better for a woman to be the best thing in a home instead of another thing on the track. A lady is better at being a lord in her home than being just another laborer on the line.

Men use to be more lordly, even in their serfdom, but women have always been more lordly under their roof even than their men who came home to rule them. Women were freer under the rule of one man under her own roof than they are now under the rule of the racket under someone else's ceiling.

Materialism and industrialism pulled the man away from his lordship and feminism is now attempting the same end for women.

Woman are, in some ways, the last lords left. There are few men who have the ability to be lords anywhere anymore, but every wife could claim the role of home despot.

"Women have always been in the position of despots. They have been despotic because they ruled in an area where they had too much common sense to attempt to be constitutional. You cannot grant a constitution to a nursery; nor can babies assemble like barons and extort a Great Charter. Tommy cannot plead a Habeas Corpus against going to bed; and an infant cannot be tried by twelve other infants before he is put in the corner. And as there can be no laws or liberties in a nursery, the extension of feminism means that there shall be no more laws or liberties in a state than there are in a nursery. The woman does not really regard men as citizens but as children. She may, if she is a humanitarian, love all mankind; but she does not respect it. Still less does she respect its votes... Against this, protests are already being made, and will increasingly be made, if men retain any instinct of independence or dignity at all. But to complain of the woman interfering in the home will always sound like complaining of the oyster intruding into the oyster-shell. To object that she has too much power over education will seem like objecting to a hen having too much to do with eggs. She has already been given an almost irresponsible power over a limited region in these things; and if that power is made infinite it will be even more irresponsible."  G.K. Chesterton, What I Saw in America

Women are the despots of the domestic theater of the holy war and it is high time they returned to their posts. When women go AWOL, casualties abound. Too many women have been lost because they lost her way and fell into the frenzy of trying to keep up with the Mr. Joneses. 

A woman keeping her home is terrible as an army with banners.
A woman settling for promotions in someone else's is in a terrible position.

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