Wednesday, April 28, 2021

day no. 15,529: Penelope is ELEVEN!!!

Penelope Page, you are easy to celebrate.

1.  You wake up early to do your school most mornings.
2.  You like a little tea with your honey.
3.  You read your Bible before bed every night.
4.  You still like to sit on my lap during TV time.
5.  You often give all the little kids baths on your own accord.
6.  You work hard year round to have extra $ to buy others Christmas presents.
7.  You still occasionally scale the stairs walking on all fours.
8.  You love playing the piano and writing new songs.
9.  You like to sing and often can be heard singing somewhere in the house.
10. You are getting sooo tall.
11. Your hair is curlious maximus.
12. You are a whiz when it comes to Latin.
13. You are a great big sister.
14. You are a great little sister to your big brother.
15. You are beautiful.
16. You are smart.
17. You are funny.
18. You are helpful.
19. You make life better.
20. You make life more interesting.
21. You love Jesus.
22. You hate feminism.
23. You laugh at my jokes.
24. You tell me yours.
25. You want to be a mom when you grow up.
26. You want 42 kids.
27. You still think 42 kids is realistic.
28. You love to read.
29. You love to write and type.
30. You love logic lessons
31. You like a little coffee with your creamer.
32. You like funny animal videos on YouTube
33. You are growing up.
34. You're still my little girl.

I love everything about you and enjoy watching you grow up. God continues to grow you in so many ways. You are becoming more mature in wisdom, in stature and in favor with Him and others.

I am proud of you and I love being your dad.

Happy 11th Birthday, Nen.


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