Wednesday, April 14, 2021

day no. 15,515: two years of Juniper!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Juni!

You are such a sweet little lady. You have grown up so much in the last few weeks. You are developing your vocabulary and you are growing in personality. You have this funny way of saying, "Hello?" which sounds more like, "Ayyyy--ohhhh!" It is adorbs. You are so funny and the funny thing is, you know it. You like to make people laugh and you're good at it.

You also love lending your voice to our family traditions. You babble loudly along when asked, "What did Spurgeon say?" as your siblings respond, "Visit many good books, but live in the Bible." Your version is not as clear, but what you lack in clarity, you make up for in volume. When we do roll call, you often respond by yelling, "six" (even though your seven) while the other kids are still sounding off (even though you should be last). 

You are just a delight. You always have been. You are easy to love and to like.

You have such pretty eyes and such a sweet smile and the craziest, cutest hair. It's coming in so thick and it's getting curly lately. You love having it in a waterspout ponytail on the top of your head. It makes you feel pretty. You're not wrong. You are cute.

It's so much fun watching you grow up. Lately, you love saying, "Thank you!" which comes out more like, "Kee-koo." It is absolutely adorbs. What makes it particularly pleasant is that you seek so often to insert it, saying, "Kee-koo" for things that don't really require or necessitate it. You just waddle around thanking people for things they didn't know they were doing. It is so sweet and such a blessing. I love that our home is filled with sounds of gratitude. Life, as Chesterton said, can be taken for granted or taken with gratitude, and you have a head start on seeing everything as a blessing from God.

You have a sweet disposition. You are agreeable as evidenced by your most famous "move" at this point would be a silent nod. You look up with your big eyes and nod along when asked most questions. You like to be in the affirmative and it makes it easy to ask you to do things and to want to direct comments to you.

Any update about you wouldn't be complete if your love liquids of all kinds was not brought front and center. From mom's iced coffee to my cold water, you can't get enough. You're always chugging good girl moonshine or someone else's milk or your own milk and whatever happens to have a straw in it left unattended. Literally, you just keep drinking. I don't know where you put all of it. You are a good eater and often ask for "cookies" or "crackers" which are some of your favorites. That said,  you're not particularly picky and typically eat whatever mom makes for you.

You often bunch up your top sheet and use it as a sort of makeshift snuggly and when you wake up often jump up and point at it as if to say, "What happened there?" You often do well playing by yourself in your bed in the mornings even though you toss everything overboard in the process.

You are a blessing to everyone and all your siblings love you and enjoy spending time with you. Your mom and I delight in you and often find ourselves talking about how great you are. We love that God made us your parents. 

Happy 2nd birthday Juniper. You are a gift from God and a great bundle of cheer and joy. I can't wait to watch you grow up more and more as He gives you wisdom, stature and favor before Him and the rest of us.


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