Monday, June 1, 2020

day no. 15,197: abandoned cartography and compasses

"The great need of the hour is for Christians in North America to get a map in their heads, a map that has an X on it." - Douglas Wilson, Same-Sex Mirage: Phantasmagoria at the Altar & Some Biblical Responses

"'That’s the worst of girls,' said Edmund to Peter and the Dwarf. 'They never carry a map in their heads'” - C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian

America has lost its way. Literally. It has been feminized to the point of being lost in the woods. It keeps seeing the same tree, but thinking it's seeing new growth. It has lost its spatial ability and doesn't know where or how to find them. It has abandoned the cartography in its head and thrown away its compass. It has suppressed its knowledge and rejected any outside assistance insisting rather that its inner light can guide it home. But if the light be darkness, how great is the darkness. America is lost and removing ancient landmarks in a confused attempt to find the road again.

"The Lord Jesus rules all of history. This means that our folly is His righteous judgment on us and not our successful revolt against Him." - Douglas Wilson, Same-Sex Mirage: Phantasmagoria at the Altar & Some Biblical Responses

Progress must always be measured by a standard. Progressing toward what? Progressing out of what? How far are we from where we were? How close are we to where we want to go? In other words, wandering is merely evidence of lostness. If you don't know where you're going, you can't congratulate your progress. You don't fix an error in calculation by plowing ahead. You must go back to where the error took place and chart a new course from that fixd point. If we merely march on, we are not brave adventurers, we are rebellious adulterers. We can only spin our advance downhill as "progress" so long before we hit rock bottom.

We don't slip up. We slip down. And slipping isn't upward mobility.

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