Sunday, January 26, 2025

day no. 16,897: life without lust or lust without life?

So in her house Life without Lust was born,
So in your house Lust without Life shall die.
— G.K. Chesterton, An Agreement

There are only two households. 

Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He inherited no sin from His Father in Heaven and committed no sin in His person. In His house is life forevermore.

Adam fell into sin by forsaking his Father in Heaven and he passes the sin he committed in his person to each succeeding generation. In his house is death as God promised.

In the house of Christ, there is love without lust.
In the house of Adam, there is lust without love.

In the house of God, babies are born and brought up in covenant.
In the house of man, babies are aborted in utero or abandoned.

In the house of God, there is adoption.
In the house of man, there are orphans.

Love leads to life.
Lust leads to death.

Love builds.
Lust consumes.

Love leaves a legacy.
Lust devours its future.

"There are two types of women to whom men are attracted.  One is ‘readily mixed with charity, readily obedient to marriage, coloured all through with that golden light of reverence and naturalness which we [the demons] detest. The other type is the ‘infernal’ Venus. One whom he desires brutally, and desires to desire brutally, a type best used to draw him away from marriage altogether but which, even within marriage, he would tend to treat as a slave, an idol, or an accomplice." — C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Many men are not simply looking for sexual partners, they are looking for partners in crime. They aren't interested in acquaintance as much as they are interested in accomplices. They want to rob and be robbed. They want to be assailant and assailed. And they want their victim to be a villain and their violators to be victimized. They want to replace the prize with a cheap, fleeting trinket. They prefer the flavor of stolen bread (Pr. 20:17).

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.

Lust consumes. It delights only in devouring. It does not blush when it licks the plate. It happily undoes whatever good it finds in order to suck it up momentarily. It would rather consume than construct.

Love builds. It invests and sacrifices in order to see something else thrive. It goes without. It delays. It finds gratification and gain in seeing something else satisfied. It cheerfully gives away and contentedly possesses what's left.

Childbirth is life out of love. It is a fruitful bedroom, plants full grown and fruitful.
Abortion is lust without life. It is sex without children, uprooted trees without fruit.

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