Saturday, August 19, 2023

day no. 16,371: evil and neutrality fight on the same side

"As we reject the myth of neutrality, we must remember that we are not rejecting neutrality as a bad thing, but rather as an impossible thing." — Douglas Wilson, Excused Absence

Christians are not opposed to neutrality per se, but lies. Neutrality is an idol fashioned by fallen man to excuse his indifference to Christ's commands. Neutrality is no use to the one in fellowship with God. Only one seeking to shirk his responsibilities would invent a device allowing him to do so. Alacrity does not require an excuse for the sulks.

Plainly stated, enmity is a given in the world by the Word of God. Any attempt to pretend it away is vanity. Neutrality is then just another weapon intended to disarm Christians.

Evil and neutrality fight for the same master and for the same result: the eradication of good.

"The Lord Himself teaches that neutrality is impossible: 'He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad' (Matt. 12:30 KJV). We either are going His direction, or we are not. We either are saying what He says, or we contradict it. Because He is the very Word of God, He is silent about nothing. This means that everything we say will either be an amen or a disagreement." — Douglas Wilson, Excused Absence

The doctrine of the antithesis demands a decision. The word "decide" means "to cut off." A man is forced, by God, to cut himself off from something. The illusion of some third place from which you can judge black and/or white is wish fulfillment for cowards. It is the pacifistic polemics of small souls who'd rather not pick a side. But not picking a side is the tell-tale maneuver of just the one side. Only one side of the equation advocates that kind of milquetoast and it is the one opposing the rule and reign of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"Christ claims to be and is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He told His disciples in the Great Commission that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him and that they were therefore to disciple the nations. Thus, by definition, anyone or anything (including any institution) that does not acknowledge His authority rebels against it."  Douglas Wilson, Excused Absence

No earthly authority is absolute. This includes any authority’s ability to authorize itself. Therefore, no institution has the authority to reject its Author and any that pretends to do so is cruising for a bruising.

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