Monday, August 29, 2022

day no. 16,016: Laurelai at NINE!

Happy NINTH Birthday, Laurelai!!!

I love being your dad. You are so much fun. You are a bundle of energy. You like being the first to say, "Hullo!" and the last to say, "Bye, biggest air hug ever. Love you!" You always take time out of whatever it is you are doing to give me a hug whenever I come out from the bedroom for a break while working during the day. You often wave to stranger when walking in public and like making people feel seen and appreciated. You have a contagious smile and a friendly disposition. Who wouldn't want to be your friend? Whoever they are, they stink! Just for the record.

You have taken on taking the chickens out in the morning. You get up and get out there in order to get them going on their day. You like watering the garden and Penelope's flower and diligently go about your business all by your lonesome most mornings.

You are very ticklish. So much so, I'm a little surprised that you aren't tickled by your shirt or your shorts or your hair or the wind or the sunlight. When tickled, your body summons some kind of ancient martial art. Something like Tae-Kwon-Don't... Don't... DON'T!!!! You writhe and twist and contort your body into strange shapes with a strength that rivals the Nephilim of old. You are, as Finneas once said, "strong as to lift a house," and when being tickled this strength is somehow even stronger!

You are fast. Like.really.really. fast. Jeremiah once said that the man who can't run with other men should not be shocked to discover that he can't keep up with horses, but Jeremiah never met you. If he had,  he may have mentioned that the man who can keep up with you should expect to be able to run circles around horses. After all, their engines are only 1 horsepower each and you run on candy and optimism. No wonder no one else can keep up with you! You aren't Laurelai RUSH for nothing, I suppose.

So, again, to revisit the point: you are quick... except for when you are not. When it comes to all things digestion, you don't mind taking our time. You dink around when dining and lollygag in the ladies' room. You are like a phone that works really well, but takes a long time to charge. You don't like to rush your time at the table or on the toilet, but you make up for it by doing everything else at a speed of x2

Your fried egg impression is impeccable. Fried eggs dress up like you for Halloween.

You loves to hug. You haven't been hugged until you've been constricted by Laurelai. You haven't lived until you been squeezed to death by you. You've taken to air hugs lately in order to lighten the number of broken ribs around the house. Much appreciated. Either way, if someone meets you, they're getting hugged, one way or another.

You like to pray for others and keep a long Rolodex of open tabs in your mind when it comes to bed time. You have certain go to's, but often add new prayer requests that you've come across to your list and drop those which God has already answered. 

You have really taken to your glasses. You always remember to put them on in the morning and carefully tuck them into their crib of a case each night. You are careful and pay attention to detail when it comes to completing your tasks. Your handwriting is brilliant for this very reason. You like going fast, but don't like being sloppy. You know how to be patient and you know how to get a move on. These will serve you well.

You have taken up the daily delight of doing your hair. You love having your hair in pig tails and enjoy adding clips and other accouterments to your ensemble. You think about what you look like and choose your clothes with intention. At the same time, you are not overly obsessed with what you look like or spend much time wondering what other people think of what you look like. You are gorgeous, but you don't gorge yourself on it. 

You love church and reciting the Apostles' Creed. You look forward to the pastor saying, "Christian, what do you believe?" I am excited for you to be baptized once we move and to begin participating in communion with us each and every Lord's Day.

You are a lovely young lady and I love being your dad.  You are such a blessing and joy to our family. Happy birthday, my little lady. Here's to many, many more.


P.S. I am hoping our new house has a place for you to sit at the dinner table that doesn't have a cold air vent by it. :)

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