Saturday, June 4, 2022

day no. 15,930: a good ol' fashion feast fight

"The most significant thing about any citizen is his artistic attitude towards a holiday and his moral attitude towards a fight -- that is, his way of accepting life and his way of accepting death." -- G.K. Chesterton, Heretics

Feast. Fight. Laugh. Live.

With whom and how we feast and with whom and how we fight are the most important things about us. They reveal the order of our affections and their respective intensities. How we have a ball and how we have a brawl shed light on these. Properly ordered affections are, according to Augustine, the essence of all virtue. Just sentiments are good living. It is unjust when we either withhold affections owed or waste affections out of proportion.

The good, the true, and the lovely determine how we live and what we live for, how we fight, and what we die for. How we throw a party and how we throw a punch reveals our priorities. What we call a good night and what we call a good fight speak volumes about us.

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