Wednesday, September 2, 2020

day no. 15,290: fighting by the rules, not with them

"Those who love a lie are not constrained by facts and can fight dirty, or not, as it pleases them. They can twist a how-do-you-do into something sinister. They craft their accusations in such a way that any and every response is more proof of their claim. Truth, on the other hand, is constrained by its own nature and the bounds of Scripture. Truth fights by the rules, and lies fight lawlessly. This might seem like an insuperable disadvantage, but there is something else to consider: Truth fights under the covenant blessing of the triune God, while lies are in the service of the devil." - Douglas Wilson, A Justice Primer

Truth and justice appear to be at a disadvantage when it is pointed out that in order for them to remain true and just, they must keep to the narrow paths appointed to them. It stands to reason that this would hamstring their selection of weapons and methods. This, however, fails to take into account that they have access to some weapons lies and injustice can't or refuse to handle. It also fails to consider the exponential strength and power of certain weapons when wielded by truth and justice. While lies and injustice have access to unique weapons, so do truth and justice. While deceit and corruption are powerful, goodness is indomitable. 

Only Truth and Justice can be entrusted with certain weapons since they alone are qualified to wield something so deadly with discretion and discernment.

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