Thursday, December 7, 2017

day no. 14,290: the low will be raised, the proud will be razed

Psalm 12
Those who attempt to carve out safety from the tapestry of life with their own scissors will be themselves cut off. There is no way to seek safety for yourself without stepping on the toes of your fellow man. This is not merely ignoring other people, but taking advantage of them for your benefit. But the Lord sees the plunder of the poor and groan of the needy and will rise to their defense. Those who need defending have a Defender. Those who groan find satisfaction. Those who are robbed find treasure. Those who long for safety will be protected, while those who have manufactured safety will be in grave danger. The low will be raised, the proud will be razed. God's words and His people both are refined by fire and tested by tribulation. 

"God had one Son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering." - St. Augustine

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking about this the other day - do I worship safety and security? To what lengths will I go to avoid pain and discomfort and fear? And what does that say about my true trust in God?
