Tuesday, August 29, 2017

day no. 14,190: Laurelai is this many!

Lolo is 4, 4!!! You have been excited to turn this many for quite some time. You want to be a big girl in many ways and yet you also like being our tiny resident lady. You are a delight. You insist on getting a hug from me every morning I leave work -- so much so that some nights you wake up (recently around 4 am) screaming in your bed until I enter and you remind me to hug you before I leave for work. It is cute… and exhausting! You like sitting on my lap during family move night and you haven't decided yet whether or not you like tickles. You scream and ask me to stop when I do but you beg for them when I don't. I love you Laurelai. May you continue to grow in wisdom, stature (but not too much, I love that you're little) and favor with God and men. May you honor God, be honorable and receive honor in increasing, respective degrees. Here's to 4 and being so good at being this many!

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