They say to look out for Friday the 13th, but they say all kinds of things, and more importantly and to our purposes here, they've never had to tangle with Finneas the 13th! No one ever has. At least, not until TODAY. Get ready, world. Here he comes.
Finneas, you are officially a teenager.
While you still enjoying boyhood, you are beginning to appreciate the pursuit of manhood. You are lifting weights and wanting to grow muscle. You are helping out with physical chores around the house and looking for opportunities to help. You are beginning to earn a little extra cash in the process and learning how to spend and save money and how to make purchases you don't regret.
You have a razor sharp wit and often surprise your mother and me with just how quickly you pick the perfect comeback. You have a clever tongue and you can read a room. You know where all the buttons are. You identify the weak points without much effort. The work for you will be knowing what to do with that insight. God has given you a great gift of being able to read people and situations and by His grace and through His Spirit, you will leverage that strength to build up saints and break down demonic strongholds.
You are a fun person to be around as evidenced by how easily you make friends and how quickly you adapt to whatever game the group was playing before you got there.
I'm proud of you, Finneas.
You are a good son. You are caring, thoughtful, helpful, hilarious, and loyal. You are committed to what you like and look to convince others to like it. I would not be surprised if you leveraged that to win many to the Christian faith. You are not afraid of conflict and as we have pointed out time and time again, you almost always win. You dominate. By God's providence, you are often able to impose your will on a person or a situation. And since you are growing up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, you are learning God's will as well. So, putting it all together, I suspect you will be used by God to bring His will to bear upon many people and places before it’s all said and done.
God has great things in store for you. That has always been obvious to anyone who has gotten to know you. When you were a child, I would often joke that you were either going to destroy the world or fix it. As Shakespeare said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” In your case, itt is all three. You were born special and will do special things because God has singled you out, like Samson, for special work.
I love being your dad and like being your friend. I look forward to smoking cigars and clinking glasses of scotch with you.
Welcome to manhood, my friend.
You are my son, but you are my brother in Christ.
Happy Birthday, Finneas.